W wersji jaka jest w ofercie butiku Kathy Kuo Home można pięknie pogodzić te kolory lub poszukać inspiracji dla wiosennej zmiany dekoracji. Może oferta polskich sklepów wnętrzarskich wyjdzie poza biało-skandynawskie motywy.
The deep and dark blue is a classic. For me it is comparable with a little black dress or universal elegant greys. As a decor the gold accessories like a house jewelry. The gold color is not so popular in the north parts of Europe, although it is really one of the neutral materials and colors. From my observations both of interior projects or fashion designs, the coming conclusion is that it is time to say goodbye to silver nickel for the golden furniture frames, mirrors and shiny vases.
In the offer of the Kathy Kuo boutique you can match the two colors or find the inspirations for the new season makeovers.
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